
Naturalistasa transition from the straight back to the curly

These are women who prefer to grow and wear their natural hair, a trend that is spreading fast in a world, where for years, wearing your hair straight, with the aid of chemicals known as relaxers, hot combs and even synthetic or human hair extensions has been accepted trendy.

“Right now in Accra, if your hair is not natural then you don’t know what’s up, I think we are slowly taking over and people that are natural now, are seen as bold, as the ones that are trendy, that are different, unique and stand out,” said Ibinabo Amakiri-Usoroh owner of Fro-Nation Accra (largest City in Ghana)

“When you carry your own hair, you are confident – you just have an air around you and people look at you like ‘this girl is confident and she is not ashamed of who she is,” said Ifedinma Ofoma, co-founder of Nuna Naturals.

July 18, 2017
Are you a naturalista?


“Naturalistas” a transition from the straight back to the curly These are women who prefer to grow and wear their natural hair, a trend that is […]
July 18, 2017

Ethnic Haircare trends

Trends show that women are looking for an alternative to relaxers and are starting to wear their hair naturally or turning to less harsh alternatives such […]